Haven't been posting because I've been interacting with live people (grown-ups, specifically) more than usual. Can't seem to fit both the blogosphere and real-live adults into my life at the same time!
I'm feeling very good about keeping the twins home. They are still doing ABA and OT. G. is taking off with language, and is seriously obsessed with letters, numbers and colors.
B. has been saying some new words ("cook" is one of them, which makes no sense in this household, unless he's suggesting that I try it sometime) Also "ice cream", a word everyone should learn as early as possible. Today I was trying to get him to say "baby" to request a Baby Einstein DVD, and he said "Signing Time". That one knocked my socks off.
J. is very, very interested in Spiderman, although he still secretly likes Disney princesses. He is trying to write his name, which is fun. He is also determined to get the twins to play with him. He can get them to laugh, by lying on them and putting his face right up to theirs.