Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A friend of J's generously invited all three boys to her party at the Little Gym. It was so much fun, and completely exhausting. I brought along our sitter, and I don't think I would have survived it without her. I know the entire box of cupcakes would have hit the floor if she hadn't been there, courtesy of G. As it was, he only managed to take the birthday girl's cupcake right off her plate!

Each boy tried all the equipment. The twins actually seemed interested in Duck, Duck, Goose, and really went wild when they brought out the giant parachute. That was the most physically exhausting part for me, because B. wanted to be on or under the parachute at all the wrong times. Our sitter is only twenty, and she looked completely wiped out by the end. She asked me why they didn't provide caffeine for the adults I had a similar thought, but it was more along the lines of a nice glass of wine.


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Best go and buy a parachute, lol.

Glad you all had such a great time.

The birthday girl probably didn't want her cupcake...........

kristen spina said...

Ah, the parachute still sets little hearts aflutter around these parts. Sigh.

Hope you found your way to a glass of wine when all was said and done.

burgiboogie said...

You have got to love a padded room! They look like they had a blast. That was a smart idea to bring a helper, I might try that next time!

KAL said...

We've been to a couple parties at Little Gym and it is great. And exhausting! Glad they had fun.

Kristin said...
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mjsuperfan said...

I just removed the latest comment because it was an ad for some GFCF thing. Not interested. We love our Gluten and our casein.