Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Feeling Optimistic/ Autism vs. the Easter Bunny

This morning I woke up feeling optimistic about the whole situation. As far as I know, nothing in particular has changed (although G. did come back out of his no talking/no signing stage, which was, as always, a huge relief).

Anyway, I just have the feeling that things will be alright. I spoke to my "autism mom mentor" this past weekend, and she gave me a lot of encouragement. Her son was never as delayed as the twins are, but she thinks he was more distant and aloof. Now he's doing very well although of course he's still on the spectrum. Part of her advice to me was not to worry about money for the next year or two, and get all the therapy we possibly can. My husband is always more laid back about money than I am, so I'm lucky in that way. The last few days I've put a lot of my energy into sensory integration--learning about how to do the brushing protocol, and ordering a swing which we can hang in a doorway. Since we've put a little climbing structure in our backyard, B. has been so happy! He has stopped biting his hand, and I suspect it may be because he now has the outlet of climbing. I'd like to get him something to climb on inside, but right now he settles for hanging off the back of the couch. One of the reasons I love our current OT is that she gets so excited about B.'s climbing or even about his sitting on the arm of our rocking chair. She is always able to see strengths in him that I so need to hear about right now.

G. said his first three-syllable word today. It was "Tortoro", the name of a character in a Japanese children's movie that a friend gave us. It's funny, he'd only said two or three words all day (although he has been signing a lot), and then suddenly he was saying "Tortoro......Tortoro" very quietly.

Next week we have B's MRI. I'll stay home with the other two boys, and my husband will take him. I wish I could go, but we couldn't find anyone who could come over early enough to babysit. A few weeks later, G. will have his MRI, and we can both go to that one. I'm not expecting that there is anything wrong in their brains, but the devl. pediatrician said they have strangely-shaped heads. They were monoamniotic twins, meaning that their cords were tangled throughout the entire pregnancy, so things have been unusual from the beginning. For three weeks we believed that they were conjoined, and someday I plan to blog about that crazy period of our lives.

Oh, the second part of the title of this post refers to a comment we got recently. I didn't actually hear it. A friend of mine was with B. at a playspace when a man and his son joined them. The son really wanted to play with B., and B. was happily ignoring him. My friend mentioned that B. has autism, and the dad said, "Oh, I don't believe in any of that!", along with a few comments about everyone having a diagnosis these days, etc. When my friend told me, for some reason it struck me as funny (If an in-law of mine had said it, I'd be outraged.) It hadn't occurred to me that I could choose not to believe in autism. Is it like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny? Even if that were true, I'd keep believing in it, because it helps me understand the odd, funny, loveable ways of my twins.

For some reason, this got me wondering about what Tom Cruise and Scientology think of autism. I'll have to Google it.

My new attitude about blogging is that I am going to try to stop being intimidated by the blogs which strike me as so well-written and wise and the type of thing which could actually be turned into a book someday. I feel my style is more of a stream-of-consciousness, sleep-deprived, I'm-trying-to-ignore-the Heffalump-sounds-coming-from-my-older-son's-room style. It does feel therapeutic to blog, and it's definitely very helpful to read other autism parents' blogs and comments.


Mom without a manual said...

I'm glad G is coming back around to communicating for you!

I agree with your mentor. Do everything you can right now for the kids. I know it is scary acquiring that debt but this time is precious and you want to make the most out of it!

And please keep on blogging! I like the" stream-of-consciousness" style of blogging. It feels more like a friend to friend chat!

And that is seriously funny about the man who doesn't believe in autism. I hope that reality doesn't ever come bite him or his family in the ass!

WarriorMom said...

I think your blog is "well-written and wise and the type of thing which could actually be turned into a book someday." I mean it.