Thursday, September 8, 2011

Artsy paint splotches or stubborn autism-related stain?

I'm still deciding on this new template background. Sometimes it looks too much like a few surfaces in my house that just won't come clean, even with the "Magic Eraser" sponge. Hmmmm.


Niksmom said...

LOL! I thought it looked kind of lightly marbled. But then, my walls are yellow. ;-)

burgiboogie said...

lol! Now I will never be able to look at it without thinking that!

KAL said...

Hmm... I see what you mean and now I have an urge to scrub my own walls :)

mjsuperfan said...

Now I'm trying a new template, with some birds in flight. May work better with the picture of my dad on the beach, going bird-watching.

mjsuperfan said...

No, maybe not.

mjsuperfan said...

OMG, how do I get back to what I had before?