Friday, September 21, 2007

Language explosion

About a year ago, I kept thinking that the twins were due for their "language explosion". Wnen their big brother was almost two, he started saying all sorts of words, adding new ones every day. When the twins were almost two, although I was well aware of their being on the spectrum, I hoped that they'd suddenly start talking. Echolalia, song lyrics, whatever, I didn't care, I just wanted to hear words. It didn't happen, although once we started watching sign language DVD's, we did make leaps with language for a while.

Lately I think we are having the long-awaited explosion where G. is concerned. For a long time, he amazed me with the signs he could pick up from DVD's, but somewhere in the past few months, he's begun to prefer speaking. Today he said "guitar" and "slow" and "stuck", and probably some others that I've forgotten. I just love hearing his voice, and I especially love how he'll turn toward me, hold something up, and then name it. A year ago I remember worrying that he never showed me things (one of those classic diagnostic questions). Now he is so eager to show off. He even said "hi" when a neighbor came over today.

This makes me feel all the more determined to hear what B is thinking about. I know he will have things to say, eventually. He is chugging right along with his ABA, so we're headed in the right direction. He's a man of mystery--usually aloof, but then coming out with a word or a killer smile when you least expect it.
And every one of those words and smiles is so worth waiting for.


Niksmom said...

How wonderful to ead about the progress with language. you are right, it's all worth waiting for. :-)

Mom without a manual said...

They are so darned adorable!

I'm glad to hear they are both doing great!

Maddy said...

Yes is so peculiar. You wait and hope and wait and hope [and therapy and].....then a word comes and you in a state of heart attack / shock. It's no wonder we wear out faster than other mums, or at least that's my excuse.

burgiboogie said...

That is so wonderful! Especially that he is holding things up to you to show, and label!!! Sounds like you are on the right track.

Angela said...

Words are great. You get to find out a little what is going on in their heads

KAL said...

I'm with you -- every single word and smile is fantastic. I'm so glad that G. is having a language explosion... hoping that B. will soon follow.

Anonymous said...

What you wrote is how I feel about my grandson, waiting and hoping for an explosion of words. Now he's begun saying words and pointing or gesturing when he doesn't and I am so thrilled

mumkeepingsane said...

That's so great to hear. Yay! How cute they are too.